Strengthening Your Immune System

Everyone talks about keeping the immune system healthy and regardless of what’s happening in the world around us, what season we’re moving into or your age or job, keeping your immune system as strong as possible is a great idea.

So how do you do that?


Start with SLEEP

When you sleep, your body is doing all the work of repairing damage done throughout the day and helping build new cells and tissues. If your body is busy processing toxins, digesting a massive meal or working to reduce inflammation, it’s not going to be using all its resources to bolster your immune system.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try getting a little more high-intensity exercise in your routine; sweating and making your body work and damaging some muscle tissue is a great way to exhaust the body and makes sleep come easier, even just 20 or 30 minutes per day.

If you struggle to STAY asleep through the night, try eating a smaller meal a bit earlier in the evening, greatly reducing or eliminating sugar, caffeine and alcohol, and reducing the level of stress in your life.

Be kind to your GUT


Eat a variety of whole foods with a focus on colorful fruits and vegetables. This is how your body gets all its essential vitamins and minerals that build up your immune system without having to supplement.

Reduce the amount of inflammatory foods you consume (like grains, dairy products and most importantly SUGAR) and increase your consumption of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich foods.


Get regular massage, develop a meditation practice, choose to take on fewer tasks. Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with people who love and support you.

Alexandra Beiting